Two Ways to Create Your T-MAP

Make a T-MAP online

You can make a copy of our Google Doc (instructions below) to fill out your own T-MAP, or you can use our nifty online questionnaire tool to create your own T-MAP and have your answers emailed to you in a printable pdf. There are 5 sections.

How to make a copy of the google doc: Click on the link. Click on the File menu (top left), then click on Make a Copy. Voila! You can edit this document.

Privacy note: Unfortunately, our online questionnaire tool will collect your answers. We never look at them or do anything with that data, and no one else can access it, but if you are concerned about privacy please make your own copy of the google doc or download the pdf version of this tool and print it out!

Download our PDF Workbook

We have created two versions of a beautiful T-MAPs workbook for you to print out and use.

The full version is 5 sections, with many detailed questions to help you make a plan. The second version is more condensed, and includes a brief section for crisis planning. You can print either document out, complete it at your own pace, and share it with the people in your life.